Puppy Training

Puppy Training

Kind, Fair and Effective!

Mutual respect and understanding in my mind is the key to a great relationship with your dog.

Getting a new puppy is a wonderful and exciting event but that cute, little bundle of joy can very quickly turn into a mischievious monster if you don’t take early steps to properly train him/her.

I offer a personal 1 to 1 Puppy service to help you establish a happy and rewarding relationship between you, your family and your puppy.

I will come to your home to meet you and your puppy and discuss the help and advise I can give you and what you are expecting from me. I can also advise you on any specific concerns or worries you may already have regarding your puppy.

The most important thing is that you end up with a happy home and life with your puppy is just as you, want it to be!

In addition to puppy training, I can also help and advise you with training your older dogs.

So if you are looking for a friendly, caring, trustworthy and reliable local person in the Wimborne area to train your puppy, Four Paws Dorset is the choice for you! To contact me regarding my Puppy Training service please call or Whatsapp me on               07545 768410